About Ask for Humboldt

Ask for Humboldt is a dynamic campaign dedicated to celebrating the rich heritage and exceptional quality of Humboldt County's cannabis. Our mission is to elevate local brands and connect consumers with the finest cannabis products that Humboldt has to offer. Through community-driven efforts, we aim to enhance the visibility and reputation of our region's unique, mostly, sun-grown cannabis.

Celebrating Our Community

At the core of Ask for Humboldt are the people who choose Humboldt cannabis. From connoisseurs and canna-curious newcomers to medical patients seeking natural relief and budtenders guiding customers at dispensaries, our community is diverse and vibrant.

  • Consumers: People who ask for Humboldt cannabis appreciate the exceptional quality, unique flavors, and sustainable practices. They value the heritage and craftsmanship that goes into every product, knowing they are supporting local farmers and a legacy of excellence.

  • Community Stories: We love hearing from those who enjoy Humboldt cannabis. Whether it’s a story of relaxation, creativity, or therapeutic relief, your experiences inspire us and drive our commitment to producing the best cannabis possible. Join our community to share your story directly with the campaign.

By choosing Humboldt cannabis, you are not just selecting a product; you are joining a community that values quality, sustainability, and authenticity. Together, we celebrate Humboldt's rich culture and the people who make it thrive.

Our Marketing Committee

The heart of the Ask for Humboldt campaign lies in our passionate and dedicated Marketing Committee. Our elected committee, composed of twelve dedicated members, steers the campaign to ensure it reflects the voices and expertise of our community.

Galen Doherty
Whitethorn Valley Farms

Meet the Marketing Committee

Craig Nejedly
Satori Wellness, Talking Trees Farm, High-Grade Distribution

Pamela Lane
SoHum Royal

Shawn Cherry
Cherry Valley Farms

Danielle Flores
Green Ox

Shanon Talifero
Green Ox Distribution

Martin Monjarez
Highline Nursery

Colin Adams
Bigfoot Cannabis Company & Sun Gold Flat Farms

Marjo Lak
Humboldt Nation, Humboldt Trim Company

Sequoyah Hudson
8-Mile Family Farms, Humboldt Sungrowers Guild, True Humboldt

Vahan Petrossian
True Humboldt & Humboldt Sun Growers Guild

The Humboldt County Growers Alliance (HCGA) is a nonprofit mutual benefit trade association dedicated to preserving, protecting, and enhancing Humboldt’s world-renowned cannabis industry. As the backbone of the Ask for Humboldt campaign, HCGA works tirelessly on behalf of its members, advocating for sustainable practices, economic vitality, and community well-being.